Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ADHD Gift or Curse?

Have you or your child been diagnosed for ADHD? Getting a label is the worst part for many people. One survey found that 80% of adults with ADHD symptoms feel dissatisfied with themselves. ADHD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

It need not be a curse, ADHD can be a gift. Focussing on one’s weaknesses and trying to conform and be like everyone else is the main reason for this dissatisfaction. The first step for someone with ADHD is accepting one is different. Then it is possible to take control of your life and set the direction forward.

Do you have difficulty saying no? That’s ADHD. Do you know the answer to a problem without knowing how you arrived at the answer? That is ADHD thinking.

Understanding yourself is vital. Attention deficit is one side of the coin; the other side is super focussing, intuitive out-of-the-box thinking, enthusiasm, energy and helpfulness among a long list of positive traits.

Conventional thinking is that attention deficit is a disorder, but people with attention deficit have a different way of thinking. This is the idea behind the neurodiversity concept. The part of the brain that is controlling our impulses does not function well in the attention deficit brain. This is a part of the ADHD personality’s creativity.

Brain scans show a lack of cognitive thinking. When an average person’s brain is generating beta waves, indicating a well functioning cognitive thought process, the ADHD person’s brain is in an alpha or theta state. This is the sign of a well functioning intuitive thought process. We who have an attention deficit brain do not have a disorder; we are just different.

The reason it was previously believed that ADHD was only a children’s condition, was that by the early twenties attention deficit people have learned coping strategies and learned self-control. Hyperactive children are spirited souls who have not understood how to control their energy. Dissatisfiedl adults with ADHD have not understood how to harness their creative energy.

The danger for an attention deficit personality is learning to conform and become compliant, instead of guiding the creative spirit. Uncontrolled impulsivity is problematic and will result in difficulties in life, but a guided impulsivity is a creative force.

If attention deficit is a lack of dopamine, where does the dopamine come from when the child has left school, and become absorbed in a favourite hobby at home? ADHD is a gift. Do not put yourself down. Learn to use your strengths.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

When ADHD is Normal - Neurodiversity

NEURODIVERSITY is all about accepting differences and then finding ways to work together. Accepting Neurodiversity also helps us understand ourselves so we can develop strategies and methods for handling and controlling our ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) behavior, or the ADHD behavior of our children.

A hyperactive or chronically daydreaming child does not understand why s/he gets irritated over small things, and can only be helped if a serious attempt is made to see the world from the child’s point of view. This is a vital insight for a parent of a difficult child to have.

For really serious behavior problems like oppositional and defiant behavior behavioral training is the only long term answer. Medication is not, as the effects last only a few hours, but side effects last longer. Also studies show that the effectiveness of stimulant medication decreases, as the person gets older.

Understanding and accepting Neurodiversity is a key to understanding the cause of ADHD bad behavior and can help people with ADHD understand their own behavior. It explains frustration, irritability and why parents or spouses misunderstand their loved ones with ADHD.

Often adolescents with ADHD leave school and enter adult life with a disorder label gives a victim status to many. One survey showed that 87% of adults with ADHD felt life is hopeless. Using one’s energy to constantly adjust and trying to fit in prevents development of a healthy self-esteem. Accepting that we are different and think differently to the average person, but are not disordered is a key step to taking control of one’s life.

Visit ADHD Health for more on Neurodiversity and ADHD.

Friday, December 3, 2010

ADHD - Positive Side of Attention Deficit

ADHD has been described as the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood condition in school children. It is officially the most commonly diagnosed chronic psychiatric disorder in school age children, described as a neurological, genetic and developmental disorder.

This article on the Positive Side of Attention Deficit shows that ADHD is situational, and depending on the circumstance can be the source of wonderful talent.

Somewhere between 6% and 10% of children in school are afflicted by this disorder. About 70% of them will continue into adulthood with this condition. There are an estimated 5% of adults with ADD or ADHD.

A long list of people who have had ADHD throughout their lives include the philosophers, scientists, entrepreneurs Richard Branson, actors, artists, composers, authors, many United States Presidents and innumerable sports stars.

There is obviously some benefit with this condition if so many successful people have had it. If it were not for some of those great people with ADD, ADHD and even autism we would not have come as far today as we have in science and technology. Many of humanity's greatest geniuses and creative people have had one of these conditions.

The positive side of ADHD people is a tendency, by their nature, to be enthusiastic, open-minded, determined, imaginative, creative, hardworking, insightful, trusting and sensitive.

This article is an encouraging and positive read for anyone with ADHD.